Cal Poly Bach Week Chamber Concert
The Trio Sonata Ideal
DateJan 19, 2024
Event Starts7:30 PM
LocationFirst Presbyterian Church of SLO
Bach Week Bundle: $30 general, $15 students if you purchase both the Jan. 19 and Jan. 21 concerts
*Note special location
One of the defining features of the new Baroque style was the so-called “trio sonata ideal.” In this, musical texture became stratified between a bass and two upper parts.
This represented a shift from the equal polyphonic textures of the mature Renaissance style; in contrast, in the trio sonata ideal the middle of the texture is provided by the relatively simple chordal structures of the basso continuo. Nowhere is the trio sonata ideal more obviously seen than in the trio sonata, which, along with opera, was one of the defining genres of the Baroque style. This program will explore the evolution of the trio sonata throughout the Baroque period, in works by Bach, Castello, Corelli, Handel and others. The program will also present early vocal works for two singers and continuo by Claudio Monteverdi, showing how the trio sonata ideal operated in all genres, not just instrumental music.
For more information about Bach Week, including free events, please visit the Bach Week website.
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Age Requirements
Ages 5+